Live Stream Commands

General commands

A link to this list… so pretty pointless to put it here

Request The Beeble Hive Discord Link

Request a donation Link

Request Beeblebum’s Facebook Link

Request a link to all NMS Base building Playlist

Ask for the definition of Glitch Building

Request Beeblebum’s Instagram Link

Request the Membership Link

Request Specifications of Beeblebum’s… eh, Computer

Request Stream schedule

Request Beeblebum’s Twitch Link

Request Beeblebum’s Twitter Link

Request a link to the Hello Games Zendesk Page

Request Beeblebum’s YouTube Link

Request Beeblebum’s Website Link

!8ball <question>
Answers a yes/no question with a random response

Bottoms up!

Remind Beeble to save

Share the definition of Buildershush

!cheers <target name>
Raise your glass to someone in chat

Let us know you desperately need a coffee before you can join the chat!

Let us know you are still watching while cooking

Let the chat know you found the answer!

Let Beeble know he had enough!

Ask Beeblebum to show the Glyphs of the current planet/system!

Remind Beeble to drink some Water!

Let the chat know you had an epiphany.

!hug <target name>
Hug someone in chat

Let us know you are watching in the background.

!oreos <target name>
Give Oreos to someone in chat

Taking a quick Pee Break!

Play a Sheep soundclip

What do we do with Shuttles?

!slap <target name>
Slap someone in chat

!spank <target name>
Spank someone in chat

Check the current speedrun record (only available during speedruns)

The actual term for Circles in NMS

Let us know you are back for some active chatting!

Check how long you have been watching Beeblebum

Beeble’s Favorite drink!!

A link to a video explaining what NMS is and why it is worth it.

Loyalty System

basic commands

Display the amount of pollen you have earned so far

Display a list of Top Chatters based on Pollen

Display a list of Top Chatters based on hours watched

!give <username> <amount>
Give pollen to someone in chat

!buildoff <username> <amount>
Challenge someone in chat to Build-off for Pollen

Accept the Build-off Challenge

Deny the Build-off Challenge

Cancel the Build-off Challenge

Loyalty Store

!redeem cookie
10 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Can I have a cookie?”

!redeem wazzaap
10 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Wazaaap!”

!redeem badumtss
10 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Badum Tss”

!redeem giggity
10 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Giggity!”

!redeem ohmy
10 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Oh My!”

!redeem oreo
100 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Sheldon Oreo”

!redeem whyrum
50 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Why is the Rum always gone?”

!redeem thatswhy
50 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Oh, that’s why”

!redeem language
50 pollen
Remind Beeble about his language

!redeem luck
80 pollen
Play Soundclip with the definition of Luck.

!redeem shirley
70 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Don’t call me Shirley”

!redeem bigger
100 pollen
Play Soundclip: “three times bigger than that!”

!redeem spin
250 pollen
Play Soundclip of Conflicted Gaming singing “Spinny Chair”

!redeem shrub
70 pollen
Play Soundclip: “We want a … Shrubbery!”

!redeem angel
180 pollen
Play Soundclip of Charlie’s Angels

!redeem lewb
100 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Always time for lubricant!

!redeem fox
200 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Starfox! Move out!”

!redeem damage
150 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Emotional Damage!”

!redeem beeblewink
150 pollen
Play Soundclip: “The Best”

!redeem beautiful
150 pollen
Play Soundclip: “You are so beautiful…”

!redeem salt
150 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Glitch it good…”

!redeem missybee
150 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Missy Bee Glitching”

!redeem robobee
100 pollen
Play Soundclip: “Robot Beeblebum”